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quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012

We think that there are bad and good points at the internet. Among the positive impacts of social networks, the virtual relationships can help introverted adolescents learn how to socialize. Moreover, social networking can provide tools for teaching more attractive, able to promote the engagement of young students.But there are the bad points too, the addiction of games increases depression and worsening school performance, and can make teenagers vulnerable to anxiety.
 In the first place,internet is very important for some things, like to school projects and work. It is good to play on line games, to talk with friends and to know other people.
Using internet so much can be bad to psychological health, to the performance at school and can be detrimental to family behaving. The internet can be addictive as cigarette and drink.If you get addicted to the internet, you will just care about it ,and you'll probably ignore your parents' orders,and will ever be distracted to school and obligations.
 In conclusion, we think that internet is important and useful for our lives, but it can be very dangerous, because it's too addictive and that's bad for the quality of the live.

in a long time ago in a galaxy so far away...
taaaan taaaaan tantantantaaaaan taaan tan tan taan taaaaaaan tan tantantantan 

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