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terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2012


From: uol.com.br Title: Brazil has record number of medals, but evolution in the modes is small

Brazil won 17 medals in London (3 gold, 5 silver and 9 bronze), surpassing his record of podium finishes (15, achieved in Beijing and Atlanta-08-96). Despite winning more medals, the country has not had a significant evolution in terms of performance. A survey conducted by UOL Sport in London indicates that Brazil had over Beijing and Athens-08-04 best performances in 14 sports, but it was worse in 10 procedures (in other 6 performance was similar). To arrive at these figures, UOL Sport took into account, in addition to the medals, the number of finals played by Brazilians and the number of athletes for each sport. How late were considered all evidence worth medals.

From: globo.com Title: Injuries, falls and failures: check out the biggest disappointments in London

Every story and glory in overcoming Olympics, where there are always other chance and more unpredictable turn of events in the hopes big disappointments. Many of the favorites for gold in London left the competition with the brightness dimmed before opponents better prepared or even by individual errors.

A favorite at the gym, Diego Hypolito suffers fall
Double world champion in 2005 and 2007, Diego Hypolito disappointed in his presentation of soil in North Greenwich Arena in London. As in Beijing, he fell and stayed out of the fight for medals. Early in the series, made a jump with a height low and suffered the fall. Visibly shaken, he left the gym in tears. Diego apologized to the public and blamed only himself for the failure. In training podium before the premiere, the athlete revealed Santo André have felt pain in both feet, but still said he had made "the best series of the year."

From: globo.com Title: PC Vasconcellos: generation of Neymar and co. can not be crucified

The dream of Olympic gold in football was again postponed. Who would bet that the Brazilian would return to Brazil with unprecedented medal, just frustrated after the defeat by 2-1 to Mexico on Saturday at Wembley Stadium. The Mexican victory was a fair result, in the opinion of the commenter SporTV Paulo Cesar Vasconcellos, who expects the generation of Neymar and co. not be crucified for having lost the decision and stayed with silver in the London Olympics.

- It's easy to get to and esculhambando. It's the easiest way, but I understand that this is not the most productive way. You can not get to and crucifying this generation and the work that Mano Menezes is doing. There are hits and misses. This group has been assembled since the Copa America and is the basis of selection that the fans will see in the Confederations Cup and the World Cup - he said.

The journalist provides a thorough evaluation of work by Mano Menezes command of CBF, whereas the coaching staff and many players are also part of the selection page. But do not believe the output of technical and defends his stay.

- Who will have reviewed, have no doubt. As vai result, I do not know. I think this work should not be stopped. On some occasions, the president of the CBF (Jose Maria Marin) was not enthusiastic with the work of Mano. In my opinion, the balance of the Mano is favorárel - said.

After winning gold at Mexico, Paulo Cesar Vasconcellos said the adversary of Brazil deserved the medal, but did not consider silver a disaster for Brazilian football.

- Players can not feel diminished because they stayed with silver. There came the gold, patience. The selection has to follow your work. Mexico was superior, it was more organized. We should not be looking guilty.

Despite improvement in the second half, the journalist would not find just a draw in Brazil, which would take the game into overtime. For him, the game leaves many lessons for Mano Menezes.

- It is learning for this selection. This is a good game to look, see and review where the Brazilian failed. In a decisive match, an error is very costly - said.

After silver at the Olympics, the selection does not come home. Most players goes from London to Stockholm, where Brazil is friendly with Sweden next Wednesday at 15h (Brasilia time), with transmission SporTV.

The three sites talk about the Olympic Games and I think they are very good at writting texts, because the texts are great. The texts don't have the authors. The first talked about the good points of the brazilian campaingn, the second talks about the failures of the Olympics and the third talks about the bad points of the brazilian football campaingn.
The first new was about the great campaingn of Brazil, we won 17 medals, 3 gold, 5 silver  and 9 bronze medals pretty much better than all the others times. The second is about the failures, like when Diego Hipólito fell, and lost all the chances he had to win a medal, he was one of the bests but then he didn't win anything and went out of the field crying a lot. The third was about the terrible final of the brazilian football team, that lost against to Mexico by 2 x 1, than Brazil only won the silver medal, worse than the gold, the one which Brazil hasn't won at football in the Olympic games.
I think that for Brazil it was great, but not good enough, because Rio will have the Olympic Games 2016, so we need to be better than this, we need to be the best of all. Lets go Brazil!!!

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